I want to host a climate conversation but I'm not sure where to start. Are there resources to help me become a host?

    Yes! Sign up to be a host here. The PDF Climate Conversation Guide includes helpful tips for hosts on how to organize, host, and wrap up a climate conversation group. The guide is available for download in English, and will soon be available in Spanish, Hmong, and Somali in the "Documents" section above and in other languages by request.

    What if I don’t know much about climate change?

    You don’t need to be an expert! These conversations don’t need to be technical; we want you to bring your own perspectives and vision for the future. If you can, take some time to review the resource links above. It is also fine to say “I don’t know,” during the conversation.

    What if someone in my conversation does not believe in climate change?

    People will bring their own perspectives to these conversations. Everyone has access to the resources above, but you don’t need to spend your time debating climate science or trying to change anyone’s mind. Try to find shared values or areas of potential agreement. Maybe both of you love ice fishing and want to make sure your kids can also participate in that hobby? You can also agree to disagree.

    How do I get help facilitating a climate conversation?

    These can be informal conversations that don’t require facilitation. If you want help facilitating or think some of your community might have colliding visions of climate action, volunteer facilitators from the Department of Administration may be available to assist you. Please contact maggie.wenger@state.mn.us with your location and conversation date and we will try to connect you with a facilitator.

    Can I get materials in another language?

    The conversation guide in Spanish, Hmong, and Somali is available in the "Documents" section above and additional languages by request. You can also translate this site into your preferred language by using Google Translate. If you need additional assistance or a different language, please contact maggie.wenger@state.mn.us.

    What if I’m interested in a particular policy or sector?

    You can shape the conversation to meet your interests and needs. If it makes sense to focus on a particular topic or geographic area, please do so. Whatever connection you and your community has to climate action is great, you don’t need to cover everything. These conversations are just a beginning! If you'd like to suggest or comment on specific policies you would like to see our state adopt, visit the Our Minnesota Climate site to share your ideas.

    Still have questions or concerns?

    Email or call Maggie Wenger, maggie.wenger@state.mn.us, 651-757-2007.