Share Your Commitment

What is one thing you plan to do after today to reduce your impact on the climate, help your family or community prepare for the future, or advocate for the changes you want to see in our state? Share your commitment to take action here.

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Northeast Metro Climate Action is hosting a free Zoom event on Thursday January 20 to discuss Mental Health Impacts of the Climate Crisis. Dr. Christie Manning of Macalester College will lead the discussion. All are welcome. Zoom link:

Steve J about 3 years ago

Our group met as a breakout from the Minneapolis Rotary EcoClub Climate Change Discussion. We were a multi-generational group of men and women ages 50s-70s. There was a lot of excitement about individual actions that people are ready to take: such as changing to a plant-based diet, finding out if there is a sustainability director in my city and how I can get involved, eliminating food waste, going to zero waste, and changing building codes for new buildings for energy efficiency.

Eco-Rotary Club Grp 2 about 3 years ago

Our group met as a breakout from the Minneapolis Rotary EcoClub Climate Change Discussion. We were a multigenerational group of women ages 20s - 60s, passionate, curious, and ready to learn and act. We committed to reducing our waste, with the goal of zero waste. Other commitments: sustainable clothing and eating lower on the food chain and helping to create a market that supports agricultural producers seeking to diversify their crops and add more sustainable practices to their production methods.

KMeyer about 3 years ago

Our group of neighbors committed to establishing a tool library as a way to reduce consumption and to better know those in our local community.

MH about 3 years ago

Our conversation was a group of preschool families and one teacher from the school. We talked about our hopes and fears for our own children when they are our age in 2050. Teacher Jeff is interested in pursuing more meat-free meals at the school and encouraging more environmental activities in the classroom.

MaggieWenger over 3 years ago

Our conversation was with members of our womxn's broomball team. Our group already does things like not owning a car, owning an EV, eating vegetarian or vegan, shopping second-hand and salvage, growing our own food, and replacing turf grass with pollinator lawns or native plantings. We all learned a lot of new ideas from each other and want to apply some of these new ideas to our own lives. We also committed to talking about climate change more with our families and in our communities. We agreed that social change can happen quickly, but it requires us all to be out talking about it and sharing our stories.

AJSmith9 over 3 years ago

Our conversation was with two families--4 adults and 2 kids were a part of it. One of us is a librarian, so we thought she could suggest more climate change books for the book-club-in-a-bag program in St. Paul, to support more conversations about climate change. One of us has a 9-mile commute with a safe bike route, and though she could rent an e-bike for a week and try commuting with an e-bike. Another thought he would contact his state representative about bus safety, so that his family would feel better riding public transportation. And we all shared favorite books, podcasts, climate policy simulators (En-ROADS), organizations, and ways to learn more after the conversation. It was everyone's first explicit meeting with people outside of work to just talk about climate change, and it felt good build this shared understanding with our neighbors.

Britt Gangeness over 3 years ago