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Roseau River WMA Draft Management Plan, 2025-2035

Please take this opportunity to review and provide your input on the draft Roseau River WMA management plan, posted on the DNR's Roseau River WMA web page. Following this public review period, the DNR will revise the plan to address input received and will release a final version of the plan.

Roseau River WMA’s 75,163 acres consist of a mosaic of wetlands, woodlands, forest, shrublands, grasslands and peatlands that provide extensive outdoor recreation opportunities. The WMA contains 10,600 acres of managed shallow water wetlands, 17.5 miles of river, 12 oxbows, and nine moist soils cells that provide important breeding, nesting and migration habitat for waterfowl. Roseau River WMA's management plan was last revised in 1980 and the 2025 update addresses environmental changes, advances in scientific knowledge and changes in public values and use.

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Providing your input

Please provide your feedback on the draft Roseau River WMA management plan using the following questionnaire. The questionnaire is organized into the following 7 sections, based on the structure of the Roseau River WMA plan: 

  1. Executive Summary (pages 1-3)
  2. Introduction and History (pages 9-18)
  3. Existing Conditions (pages 18-79)
  4. Strategic Considerations (pages 79-112)
  5. Desired Conditions (pages 113-132)
  6. Implementation Process/ Research and Monitoring (pages 133-138)
  7. Other comments

If your comment is specific to a particular section of the plan, please place your comment in the corresponding section of the questionnaire. In addition, please refer to the corresponding page and line number for the part of the plan you are commenting on. 

For example, "Page 7, Line 7: This sentence is unclear. Please further specify what is being referred to."