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Conservation and outdoor recreation align with and are integrated into Minnesota state priorities of strong educational systems, equitable access to health resources, thriving economy, and reliable infrastructure.

Conservation and outdoor recreation are both priorities themselves and contribute to well-rounded education, health and wellness, and robust economy. Conservation and outdoor recreation and other state priorities will all advance if their relationships to each other are more closely considered.

Key aspects of aligning conservation and outdoor recreation with other Minnesota state priorities include: 

  • Conservation and outdoor recreation are integrated with, supportive, and supported by other related state priorities 
  • Conservation and outdoor recreation are recognized by all as “need to have”, rather than “nice to have”, in funding and policy decision making.
  • To help identify alignment with other priorities, solutions for management and funding issues are developed by participants with a variety of experiences and perspectives and with a broad definition of nature and nature experiences

What thoughts or feedback do you have on this piece of the vision? What solutions might move us forward towards achieving this future?

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