2024 Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee Application

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking applicants for the Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee (FWAC), formerly known as the Game and Fish Fund Oversight Committees (Budgetary Oversight Committee, Fisheries Oversight Committee, Wildlife Oversight Committee). The FWAC replaces the citizen oversight committees that operated from 1994 to 2024. The committee focuses on biennial budget outcomes achieved from Game and Fish Fund expenditures, including outcomes related to protecting habitat, fish and wildlife population management, monitoring and research, and communications and public engagement. 

The Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee is charged with completing an annual report, with a focus in even-numbered year on biennial budget outcomes achieved from game and fish fund expenditures; each odd-numbered year, the report must focus on outcomes related to protecting habitat, fish and wildlife population management, monitoring and research, and communications and engagement.

Please read this page: Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee | Minnesota DNR carefully before filling out your application. Applications are accepted until 4:30 p.m. Friday, September 27, 2024. 

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Contact information

This information is to communicate with you about your application. 

As an applicant for appointment to a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) advisory committee, data collected from you is classified as private under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.601, subdivision 3, EXCEPT for the following public data: name, city of residence, education and training, employment history, volunteer work, awards and honors, prior government service, and veteran status. 


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This information will help inform future communications strategies for advisory groups.

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Designated contact information (if appointed)

Under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.601, subdivision 3, if you are appointed, a designated email address and/or phone number becomes public data in the event of a public data request. Application data will be used to consider your appointment and to contact you when determining your qualifications as an applicant. You are not required by law to provide this information. However, if you do not provide it, DNR will not be able to determine your eligibility or contact you.

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